Wednesday, April 30, 2008

crude awakening

The more I know the sadder and angrier I become. 

But Howard Zinn said it best after his speech about the horrible state of the world, He smiled and said "So, we have a lot of work ahead of us, so let's get going!"

I recently watched "Crude Awakening" about the upcoming end of oil production increases.  Basically the earth produced oil over geologic time (a very long time with unusual unique forces of nature) and humanity has used it up over a few centuries.  The future of oil is very bleak.  But the hidden consequences are disastrous.  Every business assumes the current state of basically almost free energy.  Imagine what will happen when oil runs out. 

One possible result is a depression greater than anything we have ever seen.  It would not be a manufactured depression like 1929.  

Personally, I think the only solution is solar energy.  If the entire universe is powered by the suns (stars), then it makes sense that it can handle the energy needs of humans.  In fact the sunlight that hits the earth each day produces 10,000 times the energy that is produced from oil each day.

Here's some facts from

  • In only 24 hours the Earth intercepts solar energy which is equal to 3 times all the energy in all the oil there ever was.

  • In only 24 hours the Earth intercepts solar energy which is equal to 10 times all the energy in all the fissionable Uranium in Earth's resources.

  • In only 24 hours the Earth absorbs solar energy which is equal to 2 times all the energy in all the oil there ever was.

  • In only 12 hours the Earth absorbs solar energy which is equal to all the energy in all the oil that's still left and is harder to get.

  • In only 24 hours the solar energy absorbed by the Earth is equal to nearly 10,000 (9252) times all the fossil fuel, nuclear & hydro used by people in 24 hours.

  • The solar energy absorbed daily on the Earth's deserts is equal to about 600 times the non-renewable energy that people use daily.

  • 0.71% of the solar radiation reaching the Earth drives the wind, waves and currents.

  • Only 0.023% of the solar radiation reaching the Earth is photosynthesised into high energy organic molecules. The vast majority of this primary productivity is eventually metabolised by plants, animals and fungi. Only a very tiny fraction is fossilised.

  • All the oil there ever was, if spread evenly on the earth's surface, would have formed a layer 0.54mm thick. All the oil that's still left would form a layer the thickness of a jam tin lid (0.25mm).

  • If all the oil that was left in 2003 were divided evenly amongst the world's population then, there would be 20,000 litres of oil for each person. Australians used 6.7 litre oil/ in 2003. So we would exhaust our allotment in 8 years, which occurs in 2011. [20,000 litres is a 2.7m cube – the size of a small jail cell.]
And the view from Roma:

" Dal basso della mia ignoranza profonda credo ci sia qualche cosa di cui preoccuparsi.

Saltando i luoghi comuni e saltando gli schieramenti ideologicolpoliticalsociali così come pure le varie catalogazioni ad uso e consumo delle masse, penso che sia il momento di preoccuparsi.

Le recenti elezioni in Italia hanno dato voce o meglio sono espressione del male latente, alla stregua della febbre i risultati elettorali dimostrano che qualche cosa non sta andando per il verso giusto.

Facendo un discorso di corsi e ricorsi si potrebbe anche accettare che il circolo eterno della storia universale porti ad una coerente alternanza delle fasi che, tra le altre sue espressioni, si manifesta attraverso la necessità dell'insediarsi di strutture socio-politiche conservative atte a consentire il superamento di determinate fasi storiche di taluni gruppi o comunità.

Se questo è vero bisogna altresì verificare ed analizzare le condizioni che in Italia stanno dando luogo ad un fenomeno di massa a mio parere preoccupante, si chiama credo paura collettiva che induce i cittadini a prediligere, giustamente, soluzioni di leader ship conservative ed ad invocare la separazione e parcellizzazione del territorio nazionale in un sistema federativo che non solo ci garantisca dallo straniero extracomunitario ma anche e soprattutto dallo straniero comunitari.

Da questo, da questo espresso e forte desiderio di tutele nasce la mia preoccupazione quando gli uomini cominciano a rifuggire i propri simili ed a cercare istituzioni forti che tutelino i loro diritti qualche cosa si è incrinato .

Si è incrinato sicuramente il senso di fiducia e questo comporta un senso diffuso e palpabile di paura e la paura porta ad azioni sciocche e sconsiderate e la paura porta ad una contrazione dei costumi e la paura porta ad una limitazione dell'espressione culturale e questa a sua volta ad un impoverimento del tessuto sociale che diventa humus perfetto ed habitat di soluzioni amministrative se non di regime (che esso sia rosso, nero o indaco non mi interessa) quanto meno di assolutismo ideologico per scarsa opposizione del popolo spaventato.

La domanda che mi viene pensando al fenomeno culturale americano è :"Ma questo senso di sfiducia nasce spontaneo o è indotto?"  come Moore insegna sovente determinate strutture sociali tendono ad usare il diffuso senso di paura come strumento di controllo il temere un nemico esterno ci porta a consegna noi stessi e tutto il necessario e richiesto potere nelle mani di coloro che si dichiarano capaci di tutelarci e salvarci.

Moore evidenzia come questo fenomeno di induzione del terrore abbia una sola piccola controindicazione la reversibilità, ovvero la capacità di questa forma di terrore di rivolgersi all'interno della comunità e di creare fenomeni incontrollabili di paura diffusa armata.

Le teorie di Moore sono supportate dalle analisi di Bauman circa quella che lui definisce paura-liquida e che ben argomenta e descrive dando la dimensione esatta del fenomeno e delle sue conseguenze.

Andando a ruota libera mi viene da osservare che:

 - Una politica di destabilizzazione del lavoro ha indotto i primi germi della paura, nessuna certezza nel domani uguale paura.

 - Una certa modalità di gestione dei fenomeni migratori clandestini che da un lato portano soldi comunitari, dall'altro sono buona mano d'opera per il nero del nordest e dall'altro l'ottimo capro espiatorio e lo spauracchio contro cui puntare le paure collettive .

 - Un certo modo di fare notizia e rendere notiziabili gli evneti ha contribuito a creare e continua a creare un clima di paura diffusa.


Mi viene ancora da notare come tutto questo sia stato fatto da entrambi i blocchi mi viene da rispondere a chi ha vinto sei sicuro che uomini spaventati sia quello che vuoi e mi e a chi a perso sei sicuro che uomini spaventati fossero ciò che serviva, mi viene da osservare come manchi completamente un terreno culturalmente fertile che non schierandosi sia capace di guardare avanti.


Ora cosa resta, tanta paura e speriamo tanto lavoro per rinchiudere i mostri generati dal potere in un armadio e dare nuovo stimolo alla cultura quella vera quella non schierata quella degli uomini che pensano.


Per il momento temo ci sia da preparasi a tempi bui molto molto bui"


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Image no more doormen
No more nannies too
Taking care of ourselves
What are we to do
Imagine all the people
Self-sufficient and content
Imagine no more lattes
It isn't hard to do
No more entitlement
And no more privilege too
Imagine all the people
Living life content
You may say I'm an idealist
but I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And life will be so much fun
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A botherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the wealth
And living in good health

henry david thoreau said it 150 years ago.

I HEARTILY ACCEPT the motto, — "That government is best which governs least";(1) and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe, — "That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government

neo deflation

What is inflation?


Better yet how long has inflation existed?

What causes inflation?

Does it have to exist?

What is your total cost of living per day?

Imagine your total cost of living per day is one penny.  (Poverty is defined currently as one dollar a day.)

This means your cost of housing, food, drink, entertainment, car, ... All costs you one penny a day.

You can buy one loaf of bread, one cup of water, one gallon of gasoline, one day of rent all for that one penny.

Something unprecented happens overnight, suddenly instead of one loaf, one cup of water, one gallon of gasoline, one day of rent.  One penny buys one million loaves of bread, one million cups of water, one million gallons of gasoline, one million days of rent.

What would you think and say?

Why can this never happen?

Because you would not have to work, you would take your head out of the toilet and you would see that you are being screwed and you would be mad and many of your friends would do the same and the world would end as we know it.  maybe that would be a good thing.   why do we need a president?  i can't imagine that even random decisions made by a monkey could have ended us in a worst mess than we are now.

What about 1.1 loaves?

Basically, the central banks of the world are designed to cause inflation.   This means that you can never really plan for your future, you can never really stop working, you can never really think for yourself or say anything against the system that you rely so heavily for your very existence.  work today for the food for today.  and be happy.

as George Carlin says, "happy obedient workers, just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, but just dumb enough to accept increasingly crappier jobs, end of overtime pay, the end of freedom, the end of thought, the end of critical thinking, and of course the end of the individual and individual rights"

The federal government system designed by Madison to protect the "opulent minority" against the majority. (source:
the unilateral U.S. intervention in Latin America by Teddy Roosevelt   (source:
The patriot act (source: which removes much of the rights of the citizens.
The war in iraq which is driving the price of oil up to fill the pockets of the "ruling elite" with the money of the working people.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A letter to a cousin in Roma after the Berlusconi election

He writes that Italia is a shambles and wants to leave. He asks how is it in "the states"?


Wow, I was thinking of doing the opposite. Leaving "the states" for Italia. Oh well :-(

The story in "the states" is bad or worse.

This video summarizes the problems:

The problem is deeper than we think. Berlusconi, Bush, Blair (Brown) are all just puppets. (fantoccio)

The best history of "the states" is:

Recommended Reading:

The most important thing that I learned from reading, listening and watching books such as these is that "we are all responsible". The idea that the most patriotic act of the citizen is to vote every four years for a savior is ludicrous. Our responsibility as citizens is to act and vote every day! by our actions and words.

In one of Zinn's book he summarized it so well when he says that there are no experts on "war". There are no experts on "morality". Yet the mass media has an endless parade of so-called "experts" to tell us what is "true".

Every citizen has a duty to think and speak for themselves every day.


It all revolves around money. The people that control the money, control the country. The Rothschild family knew this many many decades ago.

Why can't 6 billion people in the world pool their resources, power, strength to make the world into a place were "none would be too poor and none would be too rich!"

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Open Letter to Senator Byrd

Dear Senator Byrd,
Thank you very much for your courage.  Please let us all know how we (the workers, whose backs carry this world and this administration) can help.
  • Why does the democratic party do nothing?
  • Why is there no social democratic party?
  • Why is there not only "no checks and balances" but no lawsuit brought by the senate against the executive branch?
My thought is that everything boils down to money.  To win the presidential election you have to backed by big money.  To become president, you need to be bribed by many many different forces.  I'm amazed at the accounting systems that must be in place to keep track of who you owe what.
It must look something like this:
  • 1 million (Corp R) = such and such law
  • 100 million (Corp O) = such and such law
  • 200 million (Corp C) = such and such law
  • 200 million (Corp K) = such and such law
  • 200 million (Corp E) = such and such law
  • 200 million (Corp F) = such and such law
  • ...
Imagine the backstabbing if you forget one of these bribes.
I'm amazed that more presidents are not assassinated.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

why are there no social democrats running for president?

why are there no social democrats running for president?

or at least none that i've heard of.

why in this world of billions of workers and only very few so-called "rulers" that at least 100's of millions can't unite to at least bring a candidate to the election booths, provide a newspaper(s) or tv channel(s) that is countrywide or better yet worldwide.

what have all the social democrats been doing for the last 100 years?

while so-called big oil, big bankers, and big corporations have hi-jacked the country.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Big Brother is Watching You! beware Verizon users

An excerpt:

Whistle-Blower: Feds Have a Backdoor Into Wireless Carrier -- Congress Reacts

By Kevin Poulsen EmailMarch 06, 2008 | 8:15:00 PMCategories: Spooks Gone Wild  

Quantico A U.S. government office in Quantico, Virginia, has direct, high-speed access to a major wireless carrier's systems, exposing customers' voice calls, data packets and physical movements to uncontrolled surveillance, according to a computer security consultant who says he worked for the carrier in late 2003.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

RICO act used against the current mob government

Here's an excerpt:
Plaintiff hereby asserts Defendants, officially and individually are exclusively liable to answer the Counts in this Complaint under the United States Constitution and provisions of the 18 U.S.C. § 1964(a) and (c), Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act  (hereinafter "RICO Act") for "failing to act and prevent" the murder of Plaintiff's husband, Louis Neil Mariani, for financial and political reasons and have "obstructed justice" in the aftermath of said criminal acts and omissions.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Quote: "I'm not telling what to think, but I AM telling you, to THINK. THINK FOR YOURSELF."

"I'm not telling what to think, but I AM telling you, to THINK.

- Letters From Earth.

Yes too many people follow the crowd and act as prison guards for the silly system that seems to be called "convention". These so-called prision guards should think about what they are doing. The "convention rules" cannot be enforced if the prision guards don't participate.

More and more the middle class and the poor will bond together and realize that they are both being used by a very small minority who are the so-called "ruling elite".

Everyone should read:

A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn

(A great book about the history of the United States written from the eyes of the people rather than from the eyes of the so-called "captains of industry")

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The software development cycle

New project:
Phase 1:
  • Customer screams
  • Someone in the company produces a      "time and effort estimate" with almost no "analysis" or development input.
  • Customer screams some more.
  • 20/30 pages of "design/storyboard/look and feel/etc paper" is created (again with no development input)
  • Schedule/Deadline is set.


Phase 2:

  • Development is asked for "time and effort estimate"
  • Customer screams some more.
  • There is no time for fixing the vast infrastructure problems, so "bad, patched code" is produced on top of already "bad, patched code" (also, known as the "ptest effect")
  • Project shipped
  • Customer is happy.
  • 2 months later that exact shipped code does not work anymore.
  • No one notices.


Yet Another New project:

Phase 1:

  • Customer screams.
  • ...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What the hell is going on??? An open letter to the US Senate

"I'm tired of hearing about the founding fathers. I'm tired of eternal war to benefit the few rich at the expense of the many poor.
You are our senators. You have been aware of this for a long time and the vast majority of you have said and have done nothing.
So, either you're benefiting from these crimes or you feel you are powerless to stop them. But 6 billion people in the world cannot be
powerless. Let's organize all the senators and all the congressmen and all the people to bring attention to what's important. Equity and Equality.
In a fair and just world, there is no massive gap between rich and poor, there is no blood sucking, parasitic money changers.
A society based on greed and competition and the pitting of poor against poor and middle class against poor, is NO SOCIETY AT ALL.
It is simply CLASS, GENDER, RELIGIOUS, and RACE WARFARE fed by the mass media and corporate interests.


Huey Long said "redistribution of wealth is needed" "so that none would be too poor and none would be too rich"

People should be aware that the gap between rich and poor is widening but that's OKAY according to the NY Times and the Federal Reserve because
every poor man can afford a VCR. Again, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??? See

An excerpt from NY Times:
You Are What You Spend
It's true that the share of national income going to the richest 20 percent of households rose from 43.6 percent in 1975 to 49.6
percent in 2006, the most recent year for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has complete data. Meanwhile, families in the lowest fifth saw their piece of the pie fall from 4.3 percent to 3.3 percent. Income statistics, however, don't tell the whole story of Americans' living standards....

Nearly all American families now have refrigerators, stoves, color TVs, telephones and radios. Air-conditioners, cars, VCRs or DVD players, microwave ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers and cellphones have reached more than 80 percent of

W. Michael Cox is the senior vice president and chief
economist and Richard Alm is the senior economics writer at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.

So EVERYTHING IS OKAY because the poor all have VCR's and the NY Times is quoting the Federal Reserve to tell us that there is nothing to worry about. Go back to your normally scheduled programs, keep paying the rent, and the credit card debts, and cleaning the toilets. But above all don't take your head out of the toilet to see the "money changers" printing and issuing 800 billion dollars out of thin air to increase inflation and make your savings less valuable and your future uncertain.

Wake up people! If inflation is 4% and you get a 2% raise at work, IT'S NOT A RAISE, IT'S A PAY CUT!!!