Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A letter to a cousin in Roma after the Berlusconi election

He writes that Italia is a shambles and wants to leave. He asks how is it in "the states"?


Wow, I was thinking of doing the opposite. Leaving "the states" for Italia. Oh well :-(

The story in "the states" is bad or worse.

This video summarizes the problems: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quScFEydaNY

The problem is deeper than we think. Berlusconi, Bush, Blair (Brown) are all just puppets. (fantoccio)

The best history of "the states" is:

Recommended Reading:

The most important thing that I learned from reading, listening and watching books such as these is that "we are all responsible". The idea that the most patriotic act of the citizen is to vote every four years for a savior is ludicrous. Our responsibility as citizens is to act and vote every day! by our actions and words.

In one of Zinn's book he summarized it so well when he says that there are no experts on "war". There are no experts on "morality". Yet the mass media has an endless parade of so-called "experts" to tell us what is "true".

Every citizen has a duty to think and speak for themselves every day.


It all revolves around money. The people that control the money, control the country. The Rothschild family knew this many many decades ago.

Why can't 6 billion people in the world pool their resources, power, strength to make the world into a place were "none would be too poor and none would be too rich!"

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