Thursday, April 8, 2010

open letter to michelle obama food organic and advertising

Hi Michelle Obama,

I listen to your let's move campaign.  I agree.  I've created long ago to enable better running and exercise support for people.

I recommend that in your talks about healthy foods that you TALK ABOUT ORGANIC FOODS and STOP saying SUGAR so much.  You know that if you tell me NOT to do something they WILL do it.

So instead of talking about ADVERTISING healthy foods, what we should do is tell people SIMPLY DO NOT BUY FOODS THAT YOU SEE ADVERTISED.  I do this and the results are amazing.  ALSO DON'T BUY FOOD THAT IS PACKAGED OR PROCESSED.  It's that simple.

And as for why healthy food cost more than unhealthy foods,  IS IT VERY SIMPLE, the US GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZES CORN and SOY and WHEAT.  The cows eat this.  remove the subsidies and let cows eat grass as evolution intended.  and meat will diminish and vegetables will rise.

We are programmed to crave salt, sugar and fat.  But these are rare in nature as they should be.

If you are going to speak about this, speak the truth.

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