Saturday, February 28, 2009

Why Depressions happen?

Op-Ed Columnist

Why Depressions happen?

By Letters From Earth (

Published: February 4, 2009


The way Sen. Dodd told me this morning about it, somebody said, "Well, what if we don't do anything?" And Bernanke says, "There will be no economy on Monday."

"No economy on Monday".  What does that mean?  Maybe we'd be better off without your economy, Mr. Bernanke.  And if I had done half as bad as you and the other politicians and elitists have done, I would not only resign in shame, I would apologize and admit my criminal activity.  The fact is you and the other elitists need depressions.  Think about it, who mans the armies for the wars you fight?  Ordinary people do.  Why do they do it? Because they have no choice, there are no significant social programs in America.  You have no insurance unless you work for these dog-eat-dog corporations.  The entire thought process is wrong.  If someone has a broken leg, the first thing I think of is how I can help them.  The first think you of is how can I profit from this person's broken leg.  How you live with youself, I do not know.

The same holds true for other basic human needs such as food and shelter.   This is already true for fire fighting and crime fighting.  The case of fire fighting is simpler.  When your house is burning down and the fire department comes to your door, do they think "how can I profit from this burning house?"  Do they ask "Excuse me sir, do you have fire fighting insurance?"  No, they put out the fire.

The police department is more complicated.  In a fair and just society, we will have laws but not a military police force which creates a police state.  But yet, the profit motive is not involved here.  This is as it should be.  In fact, the "profit motive" is basis of the problem with the world today.  Why do the common people become police officers?  For the exact same reason that soldiers volunteer to go to war.  Let's go back to the Vietnam War.  There was a draft and people hated the draft.  Obviously, war is not feasible if there are no soldiers.  If a draft is not possible, then you need depressions to force people into a crisis state where they will do anything to get money.

So, you see all the false talk about hating the depression or quotes such as "no one could have predicted this disaster".  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?  What if you tell the police officer when he stops you for some minor speeding infraction, "Officer, the car accelerator got stuck and no one could have predicted this disaster"  You would be laughed at and fined.  What if you work at a factory you've ignored the machines for years and then one day they all rust and stop and you say when asked why it happened.  "What a disaster, no one could have predicted it"  You would be gone the next day.

So, why is Bernanke and the other elitists still there?  When will the people wake up.

The conclusion is we need to realize that we all need to eat, we all need shelter, we all get sick, we all are going to die, and we all equally important.  Not only "created equal" but "always equally important"

Next topic: The "profit motive" vs. "creative motive".



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