Now the NYC half marathon has risen from 65 dollars last year to 84 this year a 34 percent increase for members.We realize that they are the few that don't want to know about what is happening to our running community, but there are those that don't know and want to know.The NYC marathon is 61.6 percent higher than 3 years ago. now $ 160 (for members)Outrageous
Monday, December 7, 2009
mary wittenberg salary vs. running fees
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
An Open Letter to Barack Obama
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Open Letter to edolphus towns about the "Financial Crisis" created by Hank Paulson and his accomplices.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Will Run and Run and Run for Food
A December front page of a local new york paper had a picture of an Ethiopian runner with a doctored photograph where his shirt was modified to read "will run for food". I'm not sure what the intention was but it seems as if the editor or author or whoever wrote that thinks that they don't run for food. If you think about it, the reality is we all run for food. Some run and run and run for food.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A People's Use for the "Stock" Exchange People's Ticker: Obama 40 -1.2 (-1%) , Schumer 0.1 -2.2 (-2%) No confidence vote required (4/10/2009), Conyers 90 +1.0 (+0.9)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Letter to the Nihilist
here you go: the "virtual portal into luxury" refers to what you call "nothing"
but everyone's "nothing" is different.
some have more "nothing" than others.
Of course, this must be a lie also. Those innocent billionaires works hard and earn every penny.
For instance, given $16 billion "net worth". How did he do it?
Assuming it's by work (as we, the majority, do):
Here's one way:
- he earns by hard work @ $1000 / hour (he's worth every penny. Remember, minimum wage is: $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009) source:
- @ 6 days / week (he works very hard but even God rested on Sunday)
- @ 10 hours a day (he's only human, so he has to sleep)
- @ 50 weeks/year (he deserves his two weeks vacation).
So, our hard working capitalist has only worked 5333.33 years to earn that $16 billion.
And that's with zero taxes (as it is only right that our capitalist should not help anyone but himself, even though everyone contributes to his "wealth")
It's all in the Declaration of Independence: Listen:
Here's the 4.5 billion gain:
2008 - 11.5 billion
2009 - 16 billion
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Last updated: 3:16 am
March 12, 2009
Posted: 3:05 am
March 12, 2009
It's good to be king.
Mayor Bloomberg is no longer just the most powerful man in town - he's the richest too.
Hizzoner has risen to the top of the Big Apple entries on Forbes magazine's 2009 billionaires list, reclaiming the title of city's richest man from oil and gas tycoon David Koch.
And in a year where the list of the world's billionaires shrank by almost a third due to the cratering economy, Bloomberg did the unthinkable - he got even richer.
Last year, the media mogul's worth clocked in at $11.5 billion. But after he bought back 20 percent of his company Bloomberg LP from a foundering Merrill Lynch in July, his value skyrocketed and he is now worth a staggering $16 billion.
Not since entrepreneur William Russell Grace won the mayorship in 1880 but spent every afternoon running his company, W.R. Grace, has the city had such a financial colossus at its helm.
While Forbes listed Bloomberg's worth as $20 billion on its 400 richest Americans list last September - meaning his value has dipped by $4 billion in the last six months - he still ranks as the 17th richest man in the world.
Bloomberg was quick to downplay the achievement.
"I don't pay much attention to these lists," he said. "The most important thing is what I do with philanthropy."
The mayor, in fact, came in at No. 9 on a list of the country's top philanthropists in 2008.
While Bloomberg's financial situation defied gravity, a scan through the rest of the list revealed how deeply the global economic collapse has bitten into the wallets of the world's wealthiest.
In all, the list shrank from 1,125 billionaires last year to 793, and their combined wealth slipped from $4.4 trillion to $2.4 trillion. Bloomberg was one of only 44 to see their value go up.
The average billionaire is now worth only $3 billion, down from $3.9 billion last year.
The bite was felt all over the world. The United States fell from 469 to 359 overall billionaires - down 110 from last year - toppling in overall value from $1.6 trillion to $1.1 trillion. Europe lost 102 billionaires and Asia lost 81.
The hardest hit was India's Anil Ambani, whose value shrunk by $32 billion in the last year.
"It's no surprise billionaires have been battered with the global economy," said magazine editor Steve Forbes. "No tears will be shed for the fact that a billionaire has gone down in his net worth."
Despite the hard hit taken by the dons on Wall Street, the shakeup has left the Big Apple as the city with the most billionaires in the world - with 55. That puts Gotham back on top of Moscow, which had 74 billionaires last year and has just 27 now, landing it in third place following London.
But plenty of super-rich New Yorkers got less rich in the past year. Corporate raider Carl Icahn saw his worth fall $5 billion and media tycoon S.I. Newhouse's holdings fell $4.5 billion.
David Koch - the previous holder of the wealthiest New Yorker crown - lost $3 billion, falling from $17 billion to $14 billion.
The global economic meltdown also rejiggered the list at the very top - once again making Microsoft founder Bill Gates the wealthiest man in the world with $40 billion.
He displaces Warren Buffett, who slips to second with $37 billion. Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim Helu is at third with $35 billion.
But collectively the three men lost $68 billion in the last year.
Falling completely off the list were former Citibank chairman Sandy Weill, former AIG chief exec Hank Greenberg and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
In all, 355 people fell off the list and only 38 new people joined.
source: (print):
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
2007 NYRR Watch Report
Mary Wittenberg
Title: Board Member/President
Addr 1: 9 East 89th Street
Addr 2:
CSZ: New York, NY 10128
Country: United States
format: hours worked per week, compensation, contributions to benefit plans, expenses
40 $365,000.00 $15,600.00 $0.00
Total: $380,600
This is up 29% since 2005. Did your salary go up 29%?
Patrick McNamara
Title: Staff Vice President
Addr 1: 9 East 89th Street
Addr 2:
CSZ: New York, NY 10128
Country : United States
40 $167,999.00 $8,280.00 $0.00
Toby Tanser
Title: Board Member
Addr 1: 9 East 89th Street
Addr 2:
CSZ: New York, NY 10128
Country: United States
0 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00
Independent Auditors' Report
Board of Directors
New York Road Runners
We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of New York Road Runners
("NYRR") as of March 31, 2008 and 2007, and the related statements of activities and cash
flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of NYRR's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.
We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United
States ofAmerica. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit
includes considering internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
opinion on the effectiveness ofNYRR's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we
express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 'financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the
financial position of New York Road Runners as of March 31, 2008 and 2007 and the changes in
its nets assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States ofAmerica.
O'Connor, Davies, Munno & Dobbins, LLP
New York, New York
July 22, 2008
Letter from NYRR VP of Finance
New York State Department of Law
State Charities Bureau Registration Section
120 Broadway
New York, New York 10271
Dear Sirs:
Please find enclosed form CHAR 500, 990, and the audited statement for the New York Road Runners
Inc. fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.
If you have any questions regarding the enclosed material, please contact me at 646-758-9656.
Patrick J. McNamara
Vice President, Finance
Race Entry Revenue 17,141,128
Sponsership Revenue 11,303,158
Other Revenue 4,717,591
Publications & Advertisement 693,648
Classes Revenue 448,950
Medicare/Medicaid payments . . . .
Fees and contracts from government agencies
Membership dues and assessments . 1,418,297
This is interesting. Race Entry Revenue and Membership dues is 52% of reported revenue.
Maybe the people that pay for the public charity should have a say in the policy and operation and fees of the public charity.
Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees
(a) Name and address of each employee paid more (b) Title and average hours
(c) Compensation
( d) Contributions to
employee benefit plans &
(e) Expense
account and other
than $50,000 per week devoted to position deferred compensation allowances
Ann Wells Crandall
9 East-89th-Street, New York, NY 10128, US Sen. Vice President
format: hours worked per week, compensation, contributions to benefit plans, expenses
40 269,000 11,220 0
Peter Ciaccia
9 East 89th Street, New York, NY 10128, US
Vice President
40 185,000 7,500 0
Robert L Laufer
9 East 89th Street, New York, NY 10128, US Vice President
40 160,000 6,600 0
Susan Cuttler
9 East 89th Street, New York, NY 10128, US
Vice President
40 150,000 6,600 0
Saul Zuchman
9 East 89th Street, New York, NY 10128, US
Vice President
40 108,722 0 0
(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation
Loeb Loeb
345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154, US Legal
Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Serv ices
(a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation
American Pro Cyling
500 East 76th Street, New York, NY 10021, US
Art Design & Install
Daniel J Edelman
21992 Network Place, Chica o, IL 60673, US
Public Relations
Protective Strategies
14834 Das Marinas Drive, Corpus Christ, TX 78418, US Securi ty
Expert Collab LLB
29 Florence Drive, Florham ark, NJ 07932, US
Consultation and Collaboration
Race Results Weekly
PO BOX 8233, FDR Station, NY 10150, US
Total number of other contractors receiving over
$50,000 for other services . . . . . . . ? 8
Sales of Inventory
Running Merchandise
Gross Sales $1,735,483.00
Gross Profit $489,165.00
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Open Letter to Obama: AIG Bonuses
Obama says no to AIG bonus payout
US President Barack Obama said on Monday that his administration will stop insurance giant American International Group (AIG) from paying 165 million dollars of bonuses to its executives."It's hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less 165 million dollars in extra pay," Obama said at the outset of an appearance to announce a plan to boost small businesses loans.
US President Barack Obama (L) and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner arrive in the East Room of the White House in Washington March 16, 2009 to make announcements on helping small business during the economic crisis. [Xinhua]"How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat," the president said, adding that the insurer is in financial straits because of "recklessness and greed".
I support your statement. How in the world can these wall street criminal take our tax dollars and give millions of dollars to each other.
You are responsible to make sure these people are punished.
The solution is end corporatism. Fascism and Bolshevism have been overcome. They had armies to defend them. Corporatism has nothing but you protecting it.
How in the world can a corporation be a person. It is not a person. But the current law gives it has more rights than a person.
The solution is to promote cooperatives. We have a 12,000 member food cooperative here in Brooklyn and it's goal is sustainability, not exploitation. And we have no problem with meltdowns and greed and excessive bonuses.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Why Depressions happen?
Why Depressions happen?
By Letters From Earth (
Published: February 4, 2009
The way Sen. Dodd told me this morning about it, somebody said, "Well, what if we don't do anything?" And Bernanke says, "There will be no economy on Monday."
"No economy on Monday". What does that mean? Maybe we'd be better off without your economy, Mr. Bernanke. And if I had done half as bad as you and the other politicians and elitists have done, I would not only resign in shame, I would apologize and admit my criminal activity. The fact is you and the other elitists need depressions. Think about it, who mans the armies for the wars you fight? Ordinary people do. Why do they do it? Because they have no choice, there are no significant social programs in America. You have no insurance unless you work for these dog-eat-dog corporations. The entire thought process is wrong. If someone has a broken leg, the first thing I think of is how I can help them. The first think you of is how can I profit from this person's broken leg. How you live with youself, I do not know.
The same holds true for other basic human needs such as food and shelter. This is already true for fire fighting and crime fighting. The case of fire fighting is simpler. When your house is burning down and the fire department comes to your door, do they think "how can I profit from this burning house?" Do they ask "Excuse me sir, do you have fire fighting insurance?" No, they put out the fire.
The police department is more complicated. In a fair and just society, we will have laws but not a military police force which creates a police state. But yet, the profit motive is not involved here. This is as it should be. In fact, the "profit motive" is basis of the problem with the world today. Why do the common people become police officers? For the exact same reason that soldiers volunteer to go to war. Let's go back to the Vietnam War. There was a draft and people hated the draft. Obviously, war is not feasible if there are no soldiers. If a draft is not possible, then you need depressions to force people into a crisis state where they will do anything to get money.
So, you see all the false talk about hating the depression or quotes such as "no one could have predicted this disaster". WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? What if you tell the police officer when he stops you for some minor speeding infraction, "Officer, the car accelerator got stuck and no one could have predicted this disaster" You would be laughed at and fined. What if you work at a factory you've ignored the machines for years and then one day they all rust and stop and you say when asked why it happened. "What a disaster, no one could have predicted it" You would be gone the next day.
So, why is Bernanke and the other elitists still there? When will the people wake up.
The conclusion is we need to realize that we all need to eat, we all need shelter, we all get sick, we all are going to die, and we all equally important. Not only "created equal" but "always equally important"
Next topic: The "profit motive" vs. "creative motive".
Friday, February 27, 2009
Amazing: Princeton Professor says global warming is good.
AMY GOODMAN: On Wednesday, our guest, Chris Field, testified before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The Republican minority invited Princeton University physicist William Happer to testify at the same hearing. He's a former Energy Department official and chair of the board of directors of the George Marshall Institute, an organization that's reportedly received $715,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998. This is a part of what Professor Happer had to say.
WILLIAM HAPPER: The increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere will cause some warming of the earth's surface. The key question is, will the net effect of the warming and any other effects of CO2 be good or bad for humanity? I believe the increase of CO2 will be good.
I predict that future historians will look back on this period much as we now look back on the period just before we passed the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution to prohibit the manufacturing, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors. At the time, the 18th Amendment seemed to be exactly the right thing to do. It was a 1917 version of saving the planet from the ravages of climate change. More than half the states enacted prohibition laws before the 18th Amendment was finally ratified. Only one state, Rhode Island, voted against it, and my hat's off to the senator from Rhode Island. I'm sorry he's not here.
Well, there were many people who thought that Prohibition might do more harm than good, but they were completely outmatched by the temperance movement, whose motives and methods had much in common with the movement to stop climate change. Deeply sincere people thought they were saving humanity from the evils of alcohol, just as many people now sincerely think they're saving humanity from the evils of CO2. Prohibition was a mistake, and our country's probably still not fully recovered from the damage it did. For example, institutions like organized crime got their start in that era. Drastic limitations on CO2 are likely to damage our country in an analogous way. There's tremendous opportunity for corruption there.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
NYRR removes benefactor status and NYRR salaries and consultants
Iris, the end of the annual benefactor membership is really bad news. Combined with NYRR's cap at 5,000 runners "to enhance the runner's experience" and, consequently, NYRR's all but guaranteed price rise in March, they will be (once again and again and again!) be forcing their membership to shell out more and more money for what is already the most overpriced marathon in this country.
"most overpriced marathon in this country". Maybe it's so.
And maybe here's why:
Source: Form 990 See:
For who would like to know how to read Form 990, See:
It appears that the volunteers contribution "do not meet the criteria of contributed services".
Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)
NYRR has many volunteers who make significant contributions to the program and support
the functions of NYRR. These contributions do not meet the criteria for recognition of
contributed services , and therefore , their value is not reflected in these financial statements.
But services/goods contributed to NYRR do have a monetary value:
Contributions of Goods and Services
Substantial goods and services are contributed to NYRR. Those contributions that are
susceptible to objective measurement or valuation are included in the accompanying financial
statements . NYRR has recorded contributions of approximately $1,157,000 for the year ended
March 31, 2007.
Does anyone know how to bid on the NYRR contracts. As a charity they are obligated to have an open fair bidding process.
Independent Contractors:
Susan Spivack
8417 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, NY Art Designer $97,730.
American Pro Cycling
500 East 76th Street, Suite 2RN, NY, NY 10021 Art Design; Install $1,010,863
Protective Strategies
14834 Das Marinas Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78418 Security $216,680
Daniel J. Edelman
21992 Network Place, Chicago, IL 60763-1219 Public Relations $216,929
Ann Wells Crandal Hinegardner
9 East 89th St New York, NY VP of Sales 40 $274,909. + $10,550. (salary + benefits)
Saul Zuchman
9 East 89th St New York, NY VP of IT 40 $118,722. + $6,447.
Peter Ciaccia
9 East 89th St New York, NY VP of Events 40 $166,500. + $7,116.
Robert L. Laufer
9 East 89th St New York, NY VP of Le gal 40 $140,000. + $5,930.
Susan Cuttler
9 East 89th St New York, NY VP of Creati 40 $140,000. + $5,930.