Monday, August 4, 2008

9/11 comparision

One of the most interesting comparisons is the 9/11 discussion.
The first 9/11 was the 1973 bombing of the Chilean presidential palace killing the first democratically elected Marxist head of state: Salvador Allende.

In order to put things in perspective, here's what would have had to have happened to be the equivalent of what the US backed forces did in Chile:

Al Qaeda  would have had to have:
  • bombed the white house
  • killed the president
  • instituted a military coup
  • killed 50 to 100 thousand people
  • tortured 700,000 people
  • established a terror center in washington which instituted comparable coup elsewhere in the hemisphere.
  • and murdered and assassinated people that they didn't like.
  • brought in a bunch of economists who wrecked the economy
  • and then went home to collect their nobel prizes and were greatly revered.

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